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I found out that I need to change that at "mybb_thread" but where is "mybb_thread" located!?!
your hosting website>Login>PHPMYADMIN>the database you installed mybb on>there Smile
you must edit the mybb_users table as well to change he posts count
the my sql query to get it done
UPDATE mybb_threads SET username=THENEWUSERNAME
THENEWUSERNAME = with the new Author of the thread
THEOLDUSERNAME = with the old Author of the thread
theTIDOFTHETHREADS = with the tid of the threads

here is how to change the username posts count
UPDATE mybb_users SET postnum=THENEWNUMBER
THEUSERNAME = the username
THENEWNUMBER = the new number of the posts which in this case will be -1 of the original number
THEOLDNUMBER = the old number of the posts
or you can do it throw the ACP>users and groups>users>username>edit>profile>posts count>save!
I writed wrong title I need to change Change MyBB THREAD Author
I found thread that I want to edit in " mybb_threads" and there I changed author but author is still same! What to do?
you did the query that i told you to do ?
I don't even know where to type that query. :/
I loged in into phpmyadmin. I though that I should type it in "SQL" but it looks like I should type that query somewhere else.
PHPMYADMIN>databases>the databse you installed mybb on>sql tab>enter the query>execute Smile
I get this "1 row affected. ( Query took 0.0005 sec )"
UPDATE mybb_threads SET username = 'Gold' WHERE username = 'Eaglo' AND tid = '8'
try this query
UPDATE mybb_threads SET username = 'Gold' WHERE tid = '8'
(2012-08-20, 11:05 AM)illusionalp Wrote: [ -> ]try this query
UPDATE mybb_threads SET username = 'Gold' WHERE tid = '8'

Still same. :/
hmm weird
can you go to your PHPmyadmin and open the mybb_threads then take screenshot of the thread with tid8
and is it saying query has been executed ?
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