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Full Version: How to edit who's online note?
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Can anyone help me as to how to edit the who's online note?

Instead of
"W user active in the past 15 minutes (X member, Y of whom are invisible, and Z guests)."

I want it to just say "W users online (X members, Z guests)"
Go Admin CP >> Language >> Options >> Edit Language Variables >> online.lang.php {Edit} >>
{1} {2} active in the past {3} minutes ({4} {5}, {6} of whom {7} invisible, and {8} {9}).
Replace with:
{1} {2} users online ({4} {5}, {6} members , {8} {9} guests ).

Save and its finish all only reload cache.

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No, it didn't do anything.
listen download english language package edit file online.lang.php work on same way make replace and install as new language will work sure. Smile
(2011-04-26, 01:09 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]ACP > Configurations > Who's Online > and enter "60" (without quotes) if you want to show users from past hour in "Cut-off Time (mins)" option field.

Now Go to: ./inc/languages/english/index.lang.php and find;
$l['online_note'] = "{1} {2} active in the past {3} minutes ({4} {5}, {6} of whom {7} invisible, and {8} {9}).";
and Change it to;
$l['online_note'] = "{1} {2} active in the past 15 minutes ({4} {5}, {6} of whom {7} invisible, and {8} {9}).";