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Full Version: How to use & how to install this Hidden Message Plugin
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This sounds like what I needed but I'm not sure what this plugin does:
Is this a plugin that allow users to create hidden messages that only unlocks if other users reply to the message (quote this message in a reply)?

[P.S]The content my users would usually need to hide are regular words, not a link.

Or is it a plugin that will unlock for anyone posted in the same thread it's in?

I need something that has at least 1 of the above features I mentioned.Toungue

And can you explain to me how to install this? Installing it seems to involve combining codes and I'm a noob on the subject.

It doesn't tell me what command to type in my post to make a hidden effect.

I tried 3 different Hidden Message Plugins, and they only require the poster to reply to the post once, after that, they're immune to hidden posts for good.