Despite correct file path, unable to mass upload smilies. Continue to get file path error.
Thank You
Can post your site here for see error?
Make sure your paths are correct
Are smiles .gif files?
Hi Akito
Yes they are all gif files. Any other solutions? I'm out of ideas. Thank you for your reply.
Can you provide the board link please?
Yes I will via pm but how will this help? LOL
(2012-09-03, 10:03 AM)z28 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes I will via pm but how will this help? LOL
Actually I wanted to check the smiley images path from your forum.. thats it..
Board url allows us to see if you meet the support eligibility requirements.
I know it's something I'm overlooking as it's such a stupid problem. LOL
(2012-09-03, 12:52 AM)akito tenkawa Wrote: [ -> ]Make sure your paths are correct images/smiles/.
Correction: The path should be:
You misspelled smilies..