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Full Version: Does not count how many times thread was display
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Hi Guys
I got problem with my forum (1.6.8)
I don't know why but forum does not count how many times thread was display .
Example :

Topic Płyta indukcyjna zamiast gazówki got 7 replies but 0 displays (0 view).
I did not change nothing in ACP .

Where is the problem ?

thanks for help
Nobody can't help Sad
Is there any person which can help pls ? It's really important for me . Thanks guys .
1. Show me your forumdisplay Templates.

2. The is because you copy pasted the template from somewhere & forgot to change the things to Variables.

Check your 'Delayed Thread View Updates' in Configuration to see if it is "on."

If it is, look in your Task Manager and see if 'Thread Views' is properly configured.
Hello there,

The forum you have posted does not have the minimum "Powered by MyBB" notice we require for technical support here. In order for us to give you further support, please add the following code to the footer template of your forum:

Admin CP --> Templates & Style --> *expand your template set* --> Footer Templates --> footer
Powered by <a href="">MyBB</a>

I will close this thread until you have reinstated the Powered By line. Please post in the Private Inquiries forum to ask to have this thread reopened, where you can also raise any questions you have about this policy.

With regards,
MyBB Support Team