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Full Version: Show avatar when quoting
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First of all greetings Smile I have a question, I want to show the avatar when quoting someone in a post like this.

[Image: avatarik.jpg]

Try to modify this part in the file inc / functions_posting.php

	$get_uavatarq =	$db->simple_select("users", "avatar", "username = '{$quoted_post['username']}'");
	return "[quote='{$quoted_post['username']}' pid='{$quoted_post['pid']}' dateline='{$quoted_post['dateline']}']\n{$quoted_post['message']}\n[/quote]\n\n";

I can do?
In ./inc/functions_posting.php , find;
global $parser, $lang, $plugins;
and Change it into;
global $db, $mybb, $parser, $lang, $plugins;

Next, find;
$quoted_post = $plugins->run_hooks("parse_quoted_message", $quoted_post);
and ADD the following code just on the next line;
	$query = $db->simple_select("users", "avatar", "username='{$quoted_post['username']}'");
	$avatar = $db->fetch_array($query);
	if ($avatar['avatar'] != "")
		$quoted_post['avatar'] = '[img]'.$mybb->settings['bburl'].'/'.$avatar['avatar'].'[/img]';
		$quoted_post['avatar'] = '[img][/img]';

Next, find;
return "[quote='{$quoted_post['username']}' pid='{$quoted_post['pid']}' dateline='{$quoted_post['dateline']}']\n{$quoted_post['message']}\n[/quote]\n\n";
and Change it into;
return "{$quoted_post['avatar']}[quote='{$quoted_post['username']}' pid='{$quoted_post['pid']}' dateline='{$quoted_post['dateline']}']\n{$quoted_post['message']}\n[/quote]\n\n";

It will result into this;

You may play with the code to adjust it that way you want Smile
This good, but I only doubt arises, with the code you put anyone can delete the BB code [IMG] at the time of quoting the message. how I can make this "static" and shown only at the time the message is published.

If it's not too much trouble ..

PS: Sorry for my bad English, but only speak Spanish.

Someone can help me?