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Full Version: Postbit User Info In Horizonatal Mode
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I would like to move my postbit info in the boxes "A" to the left and have the items and achievements to the right "B".

Please see the attached snip for a better understanding. I am using classic postbit right now but if this is possible I would like to make these edits and move to horizontal style permanently.

Ive attached a snip, please view it for a better description:

Edit- ( A ) produced an angel smiley.
Thanks but that link did not answer my question. Did you view the snip?
do you mean like mybb postbit?
Well, yes the horizontal postbit style.... like what you are seeing now, but if you look at the snip, its like one of those slide puzzles that are missing one piece. Smile
This is less of a MyBB thing and more of a theme designer question. You should talk to whoever designed the theme you're currently using.
It's not theme specific. I'm sure it's a simple edit to the postbit template (in any theme) like align="top" .........whatever.

Another way of describing this would be to have the user info float right in a horizontal string. Like this {$post['usertitle']}{$post['userstars']}{$post['groupimage']}

Instead of: {$post['usertitle']}

I figured it out...thanks for the help.