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Full Version: Won't Install!
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I did everything i was supposed to and followed multiple tuts on how to and tried everything but no matter what i get the same thing popping up when i go to the page

it always just says

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log.

what am i doing wrong! D:
This does not seam like a MyBB issue
the mybb admin thing should have an error log right? that is where it is telling me to look but i can't find it since it should be in the mybb admind control pannel that is a mybb issue and i am asking where it is basically
contact your host
is there an error log in the mybb admin control pannel though? that is where it is telling me to look
(2012-09-08, 08:28 PM)UndeadSoldierX5 Wrote: [ -> ]is there an error log in the mybb admin control pannel though? that is where it is telling me to look

There's an error log in your websites root.
This isn't a MyBB issue, contact your host.
(2012-09-08, 09:10 PM)Paul H. Wrote: [ -> ]This isn't a MyBB issue, contact your host.

Thats what I said!! Smile
Is it just me or I can view the site when I go on it?
i think he's using fatcow...i got such issue before too... if u use fatcow i can help u Smile