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Full Version: Style Thread Prefixes
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No, I don't mean just a general how to. I know that. I'm talking the specifics of a certain styling I want to do. :p I figured out most of it. But it didn't work out as planned. Let me post this quick snipped of how I want the prefix to look...


Basically, that. I got everything to work, but when I tested it out the background color kept going and broke the layout. I'm sure that my brain just isn't catching something. If I remember correctly, I had this much of the code going.

<p style="background-color:blue;border-radius:5px;color:white;font-weight:bold;">Test:</p>

I'll get a quick snip of the error and put it in to show what I mean. Any help is appreciated.

Add a width CSS parameter.
The <p> tag is a block element, try using <span> instead.
(2012-09-09, 04:54 AM)Omar G. Wrote: [ -> ]The <p> tag is a block element, try using <span> instead.

That helped to bring it down to highlighting the thread prefix, but it still highlights the thread title. And for some reason breaks it down into two lines.


(2012-09-09, 04:52 AM)Paul H. Wrote: [ -> ]Add a width CSS parameter.

In conjunction with the above, it didn't do anything.

EDIT: Without the using the p element, with the width parameter it high lights only the thread prefix but it still breaks it into two lines as evidenced by the above screen snip.
My board is currently set to private. I can PM you an account/URL that you can look with, however. Also, I update my previous post with a new detail.
Sure, PM me and Omar the info.
Please paste the whole HTML code you are using, I have the feeling you didn't properly updated or closed the HTML tags.
<span style="background-color:blue;border-radius:5px;color:white;font-weight:bold">Test:</p>

... I need to slap myself and sleep. I'm sorry. I just realized I didn't close the tag. So sorry guys.
Just to make sure, you need to change </p> by </span>, anyways, glad you sort it out Smile