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Full Version: <marquee> deforms postbit's layout
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Hi guys, here a screen of my problem:

[Image: fyk5e1.png]

As you can see the text should slide without deform the layout.
Using Firefox, this problem does not appear. I have this problem with Chrome and other browsers.
Don't use Firefox and tell your users not to as well, Its not that hard to download a new browser.
Try other codes!
e.g: I test this in ff and chrome, works fine!!

Quote:<marquee scrollamount="3" scrolldelay="20" style="border:1px solid #1b7a1b;font-family: Tahoma;font-size: 8pt;color: #339933" direction="left" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" height="20" width="100%"><font color="black"></font>text here</marquee>
It looks to me that the width property of the <marquee> tag is set too wide. Could you give a little more info about what exactly you are doing? Code?
Here's the code:
 <marquee scrollamount="3" onmouseover="this.stop ()" onmouseout="this.start ()">{$post['fid7']} </marquee>

I'll try your code M.Abbasi and I'll let you know!

M.Abbasi also your code doesn't work for me!