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Full Version: Admin CP
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I got to my admin cp I log in and go into dashboard. Then If I select any other things like Configuration or Themes or w/e i log in the same way and then i test to see if it is wrong pass. But when i put in random pass it says wrong login details. So I log in again and it takes me back to the same page like I didnt do anything. Someone please heelp Toungue
Wait what?
You're saying that if you login to admincp and goto dashboard and select a item it logs you out? Or you go there, logout, then try to login with a different login info then it gives error, so then you try to login again with real working login, it puts you in that place again?

Please explain.
How do I activate my forums, cuz i closed it to upgrade, and then after upgrade i log into cp, forums closed and now i cant get into it is there another way?

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Change your cookie path to /

Read the thread I linked you to.
why is nathan so awesome, whenever i have question he answers first <3 Nathan Malcom

this place is lucky to have you

what? are you asking me or wot, because if so visit this