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Full Version: Search a specific set of forums in a search bar
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I have added a search form on my new theme for my new site. How would I be able to get the search form to work while only searching a specific set of forums? For example, I have Cat1 with sub forums Sub1, Sub2, and Sub3 and I also have Cat2 with sub forums Sub4, Sub5, and Sub6. How can I get my search form to only search forums Sub1, Sub2, and Sub3?
is it necessary when your user can search themselves with advanced search function...
In most cases, no, but in this case it's something I need on my forum for ease of use.

Also, another problem I seem to be having. I can't seem to use language variables in the footer of my forum. I have the specific part of my footer that I'm trying to use them in like this:
<h2>Board Statistics</h2>
<p>The current stats for our forum are:</p><br />
<p><strong>Posts:</strong> {$lang->stats_posts_threads}</p>
<p><strong>Members:</strong> {$lang->stats_numusers}</p>
<p><strong>Newest Member:</strong>{$lang->stats_newestuser}</p>
<p><strong>Most Online:</strong> {$lang->stats_mostonline}</p>

However it just outputs it as this:
and so on...

Any idea why this could be happening?
