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Full Version: Restore a member
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I do not want to restore member, but want to redirect his old rank to another profile.
suppose, i delete member with uid=2 (member.php?action=profile&uid=2)
now obviously, the link member.php?action=profile&uid=2 redirect to 404 page
but i wanna it redirect to the page http://forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=101

is it possible....via phpmyadmin or etc,,,i need this....

Do a rule in .htaccess. I'm not very good at .htaccess so I'll let a more experienced person to tell you how.
thx mate.
Anyone other?

anyone can solve?
You could add a new rule in your .htaccess or you can use PHPMYADMIN to change the UID from 101 to 2.
that would leave a broken link of /member.php?action=profile&uid=101 or /user-101.html or User-{User 101's username}
Just Create a redirect with .htaccess
hw to create..?? give me code pls
Easiest Way:

Go To CPANEL - Domain Redirects - And add a redirect their for


Enjoy Smile

The Hard Way:

Go to .htaccess & edit it & add this to it:

# Redirecter @ EGMAN
Redirect /member.php?action=profile&uid=2