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Looking for where this would be to edit in the css. I am getting white text here [Image: bc9b102ec3e5354d15c401499c2d8463.png?1347780295]
and here [Image: 28294607fa4c328b1bc7428b131646c7.png?1347780315]

Anyone know where these are at?
Please show me your CSS....

One thing you can do is..

Go to - ACP - templates & styles - Themes - Your Theme - Global.css

find :-

a {

Replace the code in {} with this:

color: #323232 !important;
Any chance you could post a link to the actual site and areas this appears? That way we can figure out the exact CSS classes in use. For the second one you can use this:

.thread_tools a{

but the first is custom to your theme by the looks of it.