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Full Version: Mathematical signs for mybb
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I'm developing a student forum, for that reason it will be very good if students can write the mathematical signs in the text editor. Though the maximum signs are not present neither in computer keyboard nor mybb text editor, is there any way to include those signs in mybb text editor?
Probably something like this will be useful to you.
I have seen the review is not good. Can you tell me is this a perfectly working plugin or not?

Also I'm having a trouble in my test forum, regarding redirection issue,
When someone visiting the forum as a guest and click new thread or new reply on amy forum or post, it is asking for username and password. In my theme I also have an login section in the header, at the top of the page. Now if the user do login by the header login form, he is being redirecting to the index page instead of the page he was, but if he using the login form within the body, it perfectly redirection him to the place he actually was before login.

Can you help me in this matter? I googled a lot but cant find any proper answer.

So please help
People write reviews without even posting what those errors say, don't just blind believe on them. Open the plugin file, find and remove all instances of:
"gid" 		=> "NULL",
"sid"            => "NULL",

        "title" 	=> "Math BBCode Settings",
        "description" 	=> "Here you can config your Math BBCode application.",

        "title" 	=> $db->escape_string("Math BBCode Settings"),
        "description" 	=> $db->escape_string("Here you can config your Math BBCode application."),

        "title"          => $db->escape_string("Is enabled?"),
        "description"    => $db->escape_string("Is this plugin enabled? (Check 'Yes' if it is enabled or 'No' if he isn`t.)"),

        "title"          => "Is enabled?",
        "description"    => "Is this plugin enabled? (Check 'Yes' if it is enabled or 'No' if he isn`t.)",

        "title"          => "BBCode word",
        "description"    => "Type your bbcode word for this plugin. If you type, for example, <i>math</i> then all bbcodes like - [math]...[/math]) will pe parsed!",

        "title"          => $db->escape_string("BBCode word"),
        "description"    => $db->escape_string("Type your bbcode word for this plugin. If you type, for example, <i>math</i> then all bbcodes like - [math]...[/math]) will pe parsed!"),

This should fix the problem, but you will not know until you actually try it yourself.
thanks a lot, can you give a solution for that redirection issue please?