Is there a setting or a plugin that would prevent administrators or moderators being able to see how individual users have voted in polls?
you would need a plugin to do that.
Is anyone aware of a plugin that would achieve this, ie. disable the viewing by admin and mods of who votes for what in a poll?
(2012-10-01, 08:18 PM)pavemen Wrote: [ -> ]you would need a plugin to do that.
This does not seem to be what we want. We want to prevent anyone viewing how individual forum members have voted. Collective results are OK, but we consider it not to be the business of anyone how a particular member has voted. The fact that members are aware that their voting preference can be viewed by admin and mods can contribute to a reluctance to participate in polls.
Well, yOU could always get that data from the database anyway - surely your users realise that. I can see that you might want to prevent moderators , but admins?