My users are having problems registering an account on my forum because none of them get an activation email in their inbox and I currently have the settings set to "Activation By Email". Can anyone tell me what could be the culprit and how I can fix that? Thanks.
What are you using for mail PHP or SMTP and go to ACP>Tools & Maintenance>System Mail Log>Post the errors here.
But there were no errors.
That script worked. So something has to be wrong with the board.
Are you using PHP mail or SMTP mail?
Sometimes PHP mail may appear in the junk box. Try use SMTP mail if you can.
Admincp -> Configuration -> Settings -> Mail Settings -> Mail handler
Get them to check their spam folders.
Ya I just tried configuring SMTP, but the SoB still isn't working. And no there is nothing wrong with the host's mail server. I tried sending mail using an email account with the host and that works.
And no spam mail or junk mail, either. The thing just is not working, simply put.
Reupload the following from a fresh mybb package: