Hi there, just noticed that i cannot use any of my post editor. In google chrome everything is fine.
i have to do manually if want to put the pics or align the text
Me too. I've just had an AWFUL struggle and now realize that it is only myBB that has the problem. NOT phpBB. I also worked out by elimination of a number of things I did, that it is the new version Firefox 16.0.1 that is the problem. When I removed that Firefox version, and then used an older version from the Firefox Website, 15.0.1, it's back to normal.
PLEASE!!!!! I love my Mozilla Firefox. Has someone here got some direct access to the Mozilla Firefox guys to ask them to give the myBB crowd a break! I've wasted hours of my time to troubleshoot this problem.
I do searches, and it did not come up in my search results. But OK, will read stickies from now on. Thanks for coming to my assistance so fast.