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Full Version: Fix exceeding width of forum section?
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My friend's forum:

Is facing some issues with the width of the forum section. Scroll down below to see what I'm talking about it.

Any help?

see here:
The div (container) and div(contentout) containers are closed to soon. Meaning the rest falls into the body.

He needs to move the closing </div> tags in the index template down below:

(2012-10-22, 02:04 AM)anori Wrote: [ -> ]The div (container) and div(contentout) containers are closed to soon. Meaning the rest falls into the body.

He needs to move the closing </div> tags in the index template down below:


Explain a bit more. There are no div tags.
Well if you look at the elements (with firefox/chrome)

You can see that the content of the last 3 forums is located outside the <div id="contentout"> and even two outside the <div id="container"> (which causes the Conspirators Discussion and
Scientific Discussion to be pressed against the contentout container) :

<div id="contentout">
<div id="container">
General and Open Discussion
Discussion about (IR)Religion, Philosophies, and Spirituality
Conspirators Discussion
Scientific Discussion
Board Statistics

Not even sure how you managed to do that :/

Could you linke three things:

Content of the index template and the content of the forumdepth_1_cat template and the content of the forumbit_2_forum template.
Currently i almost have the feeling as if it was all done in the index template :/
Because things like: <!-- end: forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost --> are not even there.
Apparently it started when the co-admin tried to install My Tabs by Jesse Lobracca. After the installation, it resulted in this. I'll forward this to him. Thanks.
uninstall the plugin?
Index page:
<meta name="description" content="ConspiracyMind is where critical thinkers are born.." />
<meta name="keywords" content="conspiracy,conspiracies,conspiracyforum,conspiracyforums,forum,,forums,illuminati,critical thinking,discussions,discussion,debate,debates,religion, religious debates, religious discussions, religious discussion, religious debate, politics " />

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Can you post the header and footer templates which actually has the div in question here
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Try to remove from forumbit_depth1_cat the </div> at the bottom
That should fix the issue i think.

If that doesnt work, or causes weird issues. Try to add a <div> at the top instead. If you do this make sure you do not remove the bottom div.
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