See picture...
I'm wondering how come on the test account's postbit is showing the facebook/twitter images even though i've not put any info in there?
How can i get them to show only if someone actually puts the info in?
Is that a plugin? If so you need to ask the plugin author, otherwise you can fix it with template conditionals
You're probably using Custom Profile Fields?
Hmmm i didn't have to do this the last time?
[undefined=undefined]<strong>{$lang->postbit_posts}</strong> {$post['postnum']}<br>
<strong>{$lang->postbit_joined}</strong> {$post['userregdate']}
<br><strong>Location: </strong>{$post['fid5']}
<br><strong>Level: </strong>{$post['fid6']}
<br><strong>Character: </strong>{$post['fid7']}
<br><img src="images/pbicons/fb.png" alt="" /><b>:</b> <a href="{$post['fid8']}" target="_blank">{$post['fid8']}</a><br />
<img src="images/pbicons/twit.png" alt="" /><b>:</b> <a href="{$post['fid9']}" target="_blank">{$post['fid9']}</a><br />
<img src="images/pbicons/xbx.png" alt="" /><b>:</b> <a href="{$post['fid10']}" target="_blank">{$post['fid10']}</a><br />
<img src="images/pbicons/ps3.png" alt="" /><b>:</b> <a href="{$post['fid11']}" target="_blank">{$post['fid11']}</a><br />
<img src="images/pbicons/stea.png" alt="" /><b>:</b> <a href="{$post['fid12']}" target="_blank">{$post['fid12']}</a><br />
I think I'm missing this part of the code..
Didn't have to do what??
You want to hide that Twitter thing?
Yea, I'll just install the PHP in Templates / Complex Templates and then use the <if> code.
Should work.
And it has!
Since i was a noob on Mybb about 3 years ago all i have to do is come on here and look through my previous threads and try to remember!
Theres 4 pages. :O