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Full Version: [BUG] myBB IP Recording is Messed Up
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My site is

For some reason on my forums when someone posts or registers.

Their IP is my Hosts IP.

[Image: Ldhzu.png]

Also in Admin CP, and when they POST that IP is also my Hosts IP

Why is it not recording their REAL IP?

NozHost is my Hosting Provider also known as

More Proof:

[Image: ExLud.png]

That registration IP is my WebHosts, his last known IP is real.

More Proof. I have over 9 Pages of Users (That registered with the servers ip)

[Image: E9MWm.png]
Your host is possibly behind a load balance of some kind. Try this:

ACP > Configuration > Server & Optimization Settings > Scrutinize User's IP address? = Yes

This won't update the records already in your database unfortunately though.