MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: when will 2.0 will be release? Or 1.8?
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2.0 - sometime in 2014. Confirmed in one of Tomm's old old posts (few months back).

1.8 - when it's ready. Maybe early 2013.
(2012-10-30, 04:45 AM)Geret Wrote: [ -> ]2.0 - sometime in 2014. Confirmed in one of Tomm's old old posts (few months back).

1.8 - when it's ready. Maybe early 2013.
Nothing is really confirmed until it's released. That may be a very accurate guess as to when, but it could also be very wrong.

Anyway, this thread won't go anywhere interesting. So keep your eyes peeled for information when we are ready to release it:

Your MyBB 2.0 suggestion has unfortunately been rejected. Your suggestion does not fit with the direction that MyBB is heading in as a project at this time.
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