Ok, I would like to change index.php to Forums.php and i want the home page to be the portal, but if people type in the url/portal.php i don't want it to work, i want it to be url/Home.php so can any help?
Thanks in advance.
yea, but it doesn't say community.
and when you go to the url, like yoursite.com i want it to say that, not yoursite.com/home, but if someone types yoursite.com/home it will be the same as yoursite.com but it will be /home in the url, but when your first search it up, i want it yoursite.com.
1/ add to first line of .htaccess
DirectoryIndex home.php index.php
2/ rename portal.php to home.php
3/ edit home.php with notepad++
add_breadcrumb($lang->nav_portal, "portal.php");
add_breadcrumb(Home, "home.php");
i had the index as the home page, and i change the .index to home, and now when you search up my forum, it shows all the files from cpanel. please help.
What is Note Pad++?