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Full Version: Language change issue
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Hello all once again!

I've made an upgrade today (from 1.6.1) and I found an issue with language change on fast language change footer. It is really important to me, due to the fact that there are two languages which users use on my forum.
It is simply just not changing language after selecting one (only refreshing site even without clicking "Ok").

I made language pack update (Polish) and tried to log out/clear cookies.

Here's url: Click
You need to make sure your templates are up to date.
Ok, so I found something like this:
[Image: o985vh.jpg]

And added back this highlighted line (it was removed). It seems to be working, but I am not quite sure that's the right solution of the thing.

I set up this template today, so it should be the newest one.
(2012-10-29, 11:42 PM)ph0 Wrote: [ -> ]And added back this highlighted line (it was removed). It seems to be working, but I am not quite sure that's the right solution of the thing.

Yes, that is the correct solution. Smile

(2012-10-29, 11:42 PM)ph0 Wrote: [ -> ]I set up this template today, so it should be the newest one.

The template was most likely developed for an older version of MyBB. Custom templates have to be upgraded manually due to how many changes are usually made to templates.
Ok then. Thanks for help!