With big thanks to frostschutz, I succeeded into making my custom quoting syntax work with MyAlerts.
Now the last step I have to face off is making MyNetwork's Post Reputation module work together with MyAlerts too. I don't know how to anticipate PR's code to be executed, just because MA recognizes user reputation changes.
I already asked PR's author, Tomm, to integrate his plugins with MyAlerts, but he is very busy at the moment (because of 1.6.9 and 1.8 development) and he cannot help me right now.
I hope someone can help me bridging those two plugins.
I do believe somebody else was working on this, possibly Leefish?
* Leefish flails in horror, I was hoping that Tomm might be doing it....
Obviously it wasn't Leefish xD I'm pretty sure somebody mentioned they were working on it or had it working...
Well, it is very hard to see how Tomm making his stuff work, and I don't actually have MyAlerts live on leefish as the only thing I would want would be a reply to new thread and rep received VIA POST REPUTATION. I already manage the PMs and new posts differently, and my next big implementation is getting version 3 of MyBB publisher and tumblr working with XThreads. Pavemen is busy making that edit right now.
In short - yes, I would like this too, but I don't have it as a high priority.
Done it - it's in v1.1.4. It needs some editing to MyAlerts for it to work which I'm hoping euantor can fix in the plugin.
Basically, if you give post rep, a rep alert is sent to the post author (if they have rep alerts turned on).
Feel free to send me a PM with any changes you wish to see Tomm or open a GitHub issue.

It would be ever nicer if a different alert is shown depending on positive or negative reputation given to a post or directly to an user, but this would probably imply a further code investigation and a massive MyAlerts code rewriting. Though, feel free to implement it when you have some spare time euantor

It wouldn't require a massive amount of work but there are larger issues to focus on right now

If you check the release thread I just pushed a few untested changes to GitHub to try fix a few issues and to help Tomm. I'll probably tidy them u a bit tomorrow though.
Thanks for the help euantor - much appreciated. PR has a pretty awesome upgrade in 1.8 and this helps it a lot.