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I have a problem. With this theme

[Image: 61uLK.png]

When I select posts and go down to Delete or Junk Posts it always says

Quote:Sorry, but you did not select any posts to perform inline moderation on, or your previous moderation session has expired (Automatically after 1 hour of inactivity). Please select some posts and try again.

Same thing happens when I select multiple threads to close/move/junk/delete.

If I want to do anything to threads, I have to go into them one by one and close/delete/junk them from inside the thread one at a time...
Could you please provide a link to your site is my site thanks
Okay, before we do anything could you clear your cache and refresh the page?

This has happened to be once before and I fixed it by doing that.

If that doesn't work tell me.
Tried it in FF and chrome with everything cleared, still same problem.

It's theme related, It works fine with default myBB theme....

I don't know whats wrong
I found a similar support question;

Look at that and see if that can help you out a little bit more.
It's most likely a JavaScript conflict if the counter isn't updating.
Navigate to AdminCP -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Your Theme's Templates -> Ungrouped Templates -> headerinclude

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Replace with:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script>
Just did what you said, still same problem. Sad

If you want I can give you AdminCP to my forums.
Feel free to PM me it. I'm heading off now so I'll take a look at it for you tomorrow. Smile
Thanks, I have PM'd you the Details.
Pages: 1 2