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Full Version: Login not remembered
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Hey guys,

I've got a bit of a strange problem on my forum. I've got a "remember me" check box on the logon window of my forum. But when users restart their browser they have to log in again.

The URL of the forum is

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? In order to add the check box I added the following code to my header_welcomeblock_guest template.

<span class="remember_me"><input checked="checked" class="checkbox" value="yes" id="quick_login_remember" name="quick_remember" type="checkbox"><label for="quick_login_remember"> Remember me</label></span>

Thanks guys,


Any help would be appreciated guys. I've done some more research and it does seem to be some kind of scripting issue that is effecting numerous people. Anyone worked out how to get around this?

This is from my header:

<form action="member.php" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="do_login" />
	<span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->quick_login}</strong></span>
	<input type="text" class="textbox" name="username" title="{$login_username}" value="{$lang->login_username}" onfocus="if(this.value == '{$lang->login_username}') { this.value=''; }" onblur="if(this.value=='') { this.value='{$lang->login_username}'; }" />
	<input type="password" class="textbox" name="password" title="{$lang->login_password}" value="{$lang->login_password}" onfocus="if(this.value == '{$lang->login_password}') { this.value=''; }" onblur="if(this.value=='') { this.value='{$lang->login_password}'; }" />
	<input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="Sign In" />

<label for="remember">
<input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="remember" value="yes" checked="checked"  /><span class="smalltext">Remember Me?</span></label>&nbsp; <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=lostpw">{$lang->lost_password}</a>

See the id and name for the remember checkbox?