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Full Version: Wrong text color
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[Image: ilvn2u.png]

This is an error messeage, can someone tell me which template I need to edit and what to edit it to?
Can you please provide the "message" in the white font.
It's in template div.error. Add in the line of the code:

color: #000000;

or what ever color you want.
Already tried adding that in the error template. I do not see div.error Also to answer ksr its every error, so just pick a error and its white text.
AdminCP -> Templates & Style -> Themes -> Your Theme -> global.css -> Edit Stylesheet: Advanced Mode

Find div.error, if the color property already exists, simply change the colour to whatever you wish. If it doesn't please add it. Smile
(2012-11-09, 03:50 PM)Vernier Wrote: [ -> ]AdminCP -> Templates & Style -> Themes -> Your Theme -> global.css -> Edit Stylesheet: Advanced Mode

Find div.error, if the color property already exists, simply change the colour to whatever you wish. If it doesn't please add it. Smile

Just wanted to say that Smile Thanks Vernier Smile
Added the color: #000000; in the div.error, did not change the text color.

I did just change the background color so you could read the white text though.
(2012-11-09, 04:30 PM)TaylorCTU Wrote: [ -> ]Added the color: #000000; in the div.error, did not change the text color.

I did just change the background color so you could read the white text though.

It should work with the change what ever Vernier has given above, still if it is not coming, you need to clear your browser cookies/cache or open in another browser freshly.