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Full Version: Can't log in or out?
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download a new mybb package

BACKUP!! ur current installation

remove all files [keep the images and inc directory so your plugins and theme images dont erase]

upload all the mybb files from the new installation [other then config.php because u need the original from ur current installation]

see if that solves ur issue.
I don't think a complete reinstall is needed, personally. If anything, the OP probably only needs to reupload member.php.
where can I find member.php? and how should I reupload it?
I've attached a fresh copy to this post. Smile

Reupload it via FTP or cPanel. If using FTP, upload it in the regular fashion. If using cPanel, upload it via File Manager. It should go in your root directory. Smile
Just like to add. It should go in your root directory of your forum Toungue
None of the previously mentioned solutions will work.

Simply change your cookie domain to
Don't you mean simply change not simply changed
Thanks that did teh trick Nathan!
Pages: 1 2