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Full Version: View Groups not showing
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The View Groups plugin by Pirata Nervo is not working when I activate it. It does not show up on my website, which is

The plugin:

My index_ boardstats template:

<div class="bstat" >
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="0" class="tborder">
<td class="cell">
<div class="rmain"></div>
<div><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->whos_online}</strong> [<a href="online.php">{$lang->complete_list}</a>]</span></div>
<tbody style="{$collapsed['boardstats_e']}" id="boardstats_e">
Add the following after {$whosonline}:


The reason it isn't working is because the plugin looks for {$birthdays} in that template on activation, which isn't present.
Panda stole the words right out of my mouth Toungue

Ah, I see.

Shows up now. But how can I make the title "User Groups" title go on a orange bar, like the other board stats?
(2012-11-13, 02:18 AM)TheAuthoringBay Wrote: [ -> ]Ah, I see.

Shows up now. But how can I make the title "User Groups" title go on a orange bar, like the other board stats?

Refer back to the other support thread...showed you how to do that.

That's what it looks like now. I need the bar to be a bit thicker, and to have 1 title, instead of 2. Also, the 3 orange blocks need to be there. Any idea on how to do this?

Template now:

<div class="bstat" >
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="0" class="tborder">
<td class="cell">
<div class="rmain"></div>
<div><span class="smalltext"><strong>{$lang->whos_online}</strong> [<a href="online.php">{$lang->complete_list}</a>]</span></div>
<tbody style="{$collapsed['boardstats_e']}" id="boardstats_e">
<td class="thead" colspan="2">
<div>User Groups</div> 
    <td class="trow1" colspan="2" valign="top" align="middle"><span class="smalltext">

