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Full Version: admin notification of new user
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our forum is set that new users must be approved by the admin.

is there a way to notify the admins when a user registers?

Yes, that is what I want to accomplish but cannot find any settings in the admin interface to activate it.
Don't know sorry, It worked for me.
(2012-11-14, 04:17 PM)dadoonan Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, that is what I want to accomplish but cannot find any settings in the admin interface to activate it.

It's a plugin, you have to download and install it first.
i tried this plugin but when i click ti activate it in plugins i get this error

MyBB SQL Error
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1146 - Table 'mybb_.mybb_mybb_settinggroups' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO mybb_mybb_settinggroups (gid,name,title,description,disporder,isdefault) VALUES ('NULL','Email Notification on Registration','Email Notification on Registration','','1','no')
Please contact the MyBB Group for support.
^ you can try using the attached file from this post