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Full Version: Problem with evaluation / reputation button
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Hello friends!

In my forum (latest version 1.6.8 with official translation to pt-BR by MyBB Brazil), the button of evaluation (reputation) will not appear in posts.


To make the user evaluation, only coming into your profile.

I know this is possible in MyBB, however, does not appear the button on posts or topics.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you Wink
probably your theme not have this button on the template ...
You can post the content of your postbit_rep_button ? Admin cp ---->theme and template ---> Your theme --> post bit template -> postbit_rep_button

I´m use original theme...
Is it enabled?

Navigate to AdminCP -> Configuration -> Reputation and check the appropriate settings are set to yes (such as Allow Post Reputations).

If those were set correctly, navigate to AdminCP -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Your Theme's Templates -> Post Bit Templates -> Postbit

is present in the template. Please check this with the postbit_classic template too. Smile
Thank you Vernier... worked perfectly!