Idk what's wrong but normal members can't see admins posts in threads etc
So registered users can't see admins posts in threads. Have you modified forum permissions?
On the registered users forum permissions don't overwrite the inherited permissions. Does this solve the problem?
I did set "Admin Permissions"
Can Manage Akismet?
(2012-11-25, 09:29 PM)Julius95 Wrote: [ -> ]Idk what's wrong but normal members can't see admins posts in threads etc
How exactly are they not seeing the admin posts in threads? Do they get an error message when trying to click on threads started by admins or the messages are invisible to them. A screenshot or the link to your forum would help too.
So all in all, all the members except the admins can't view all the posts in a thread.
It is just not showm.
here is a link
If the permissions are set up correctly according to you then the problem must lie elsewhere, such as in a third party plugin for ex. What was the latest plugin/s or any other edit that you did to your forum prior to this issue started to happen?
so where exactly do I edit permissions? O_o
So UPDATE: If the admin made the topic and a user in lower level posts in the thread then the post will be invisible for all users except admins
I think you are reffering to approved posts.