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Full Version: Back my group administrator.
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Hello ,

In my forum i have 3 admins , i have id=1 , and i hide my group i set to members , now another admin don't have access to set me admin group ?

Its try but the message is ?
You do not have permission to edit this user because you are not a super administrator.

How to fix this , ?!
(2012-11-27, 12:36 AM)Anderson Wrote: [ -> ]Hello ,

In my forum i have 3 admins , i have id=1 , and i hide my group i set to members , now another admin don't have access to set me admin group ?

Its try but the message is ?
You do not have permission to edit this user because you are not a super administrator.

How to fix this , ?!

I can't be certain that I am reading you correctly.

Do you mean that you have changed your user account to Registered(or another group)?

Do you mean that you have changed your display group to another group?

If you could be more specific, it would help. I realize that English doesn't seem to be your first language (and that is cool) so just very simply state what steps you took and what is wrong.

If you want to set someone as a super administrator you need to access ./inc/config.php and on or around line 70 look for
$config['super_admins'] = '1';
to add another user use a comma then put their UID as follows

$config['super_admins'] = '1,2';

Please be aware that super admins have full access to all options on the board and their powers cannot be restricted.
markwesley, you know that $config['super_admins'] is an array? You can add more by doing this:

$config['super_admins'] = '1,2,3,4,5'; (etc)
(2012-11-27, 02:56 AM)Seabody Wrote: [ -> ]markwesley, you know that $config['super_admins'] is an array? You can add more by doing this:

$config['super_admins'] = '1,2,3,4,5'; (etc)

I did , I realized this and went to edit the post - edited the post but totally got distracted and forgot to press post reply Toungue
Thank you , you help me , thank you very much.

You're welcome.