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Full Version: Can I alter the size of the postbit?
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(2012-12-05, 06:38 PM)brad-t Wrote: [ -> ]xThreads lets you force classic layout for every forum if you don't want to deal with template changes.

For this, the problem is that 200px is not wide enough to fit your usernames. Try increase to 250px.
Thanks, that fixed it. BUT: how do I make it so the Author/Message bars are equal?
[Image: 1037074667800.0005wert.png]
just find the TD that Author is in and set the width to the same
(2012-12-06, 01:31 AM)brad-t Wrote: [ -> ]just find the TD that Author is in and set the width to the same
I can't seem to find it, which one is it?
Pages: 1 2