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Full Version: Portal: calendar? character limit?
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After browsing all 38 pages of forum search on the portal (whew!) ... I still have a couple of questions.

~ Did anyone ever figure out a simple (30-60 days, no birthdays, holidays etc) calendar for the portal? (Upcoming events plugin doesn't really do it for me.)

~ is there a way to increase the character limit in the Latest Threads box? I have plenty of room and would like to include more of the thread title. (I don't think this is what the announcements plugin does.)

Finally, a template question. My portal is working fine, but I don't understand how the tables (on the right) flow. If I only have one box there, it centers vertically instead of topping. When I add others, the layout pushes it up, so the layout is now OK, but obviously I am missing a piece of syntax.

How do I; i) separate the right side alignments and ii) insert spaces between tables?

Thanks for reading.
There was a calendar plugin for the portal on MyBB 1.4 but it added a scary number of queries. By a chap called Lex, not sure if his site is still up.

You can increase the character limit by opening up portal.php and find the query for latest threads

Round about line 416

if(my_strlen($thread['subject']) > 25)
			$thread['subject'] = my_substr($thread['subject'], 0, 25) . "...";

Change the 25 to a higher character count.

On the center vertically, check your portal template and make sure the td on the right has valign top, like so:

<td valign="top">
Thanks, Lee.

You are a treasure. It would have taken me a looong time to find line 367 in portal.php Wink

Still not getting my tables to flow correctly, but its good enough for now!
Yes, I have an edited portal, so I cannot guarantee line numbers Big Grin

I am not quite sure what you mean over the table flow though.