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Full Version: Cant delete any forums
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When I check the box (in a forum) to move it, delete it and so forth! The count on the "GO" buttons stays at 0. So I cant delete or anything else!
I have installed a few plugins! Could this be the problem? or is it something else

(Even when I disabled all plugins the check boxes still didnt register to the GO button)
It could be a problem with your browser, shut down your browser ad re open it. If it still isn't working download a new kind of browser and try it. If it still isn't working then wait for a developer to come along, also I'd this post was helpful give me a rate Wink
Please provide your forum URL Smile
Was just thinking the same thing :p
Me too

[Image: qw7r5mw0bupim0o4wutv.png]
Perfect (Picture). Sorry was out of town! as the pic shows, when boxes are checked the GO button registers nothing!
When this had happen to me it was cause of jquery do not know if this is your problem but it was mine.
(2012-12-07, 10:11 PM)Howman Wrote: [ -> ]When this had happen to me it was cause of jquery do not know if this is your problem but it was mine.

This was my problem also, I sorted it by putting
<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script>
in my headerinclude template I believe

Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > *your template* > Ungrouped Templates > headerinclude.

This is what I did which may or may not work for you, it's worth a try.
As said above, this is almost certainly a conflict between different JavaScript libraries. Could you please provide your forum URL?
Not to hijack the thread, but having the exact same issue.