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Full Version: Please help: Postbit
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Hey guys, please help me ;(

[Image: c8337747866cf52135a039f9af53ef74.png]

As you can see, the postbit was disaligned due to the usertitle of "Sackler"
Is there a way to make the postbit author margin fixed ? Like it won't change even though there's a long username, usertitle, userstars, or avatar ?

Please help..
In your postbit_classic template, find:

<td class="{$altbg}" width="15%" valign="top" style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center;">

and change to:

<td class="{$altbg}" width="15%" valign="top" style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; max-width: 200px;">

Change the px value as per requirement.
(2012-12-10, 11:31 AM)effone Wrote: [ -> ]In your postbit_classic template, find:

<td class="{$altbg}" width="15%" valign="top" style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center;">

and change to:

<td class="{$altbg}" width="15%" valign="top" style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; max-width: 200px;">

Change the px value as per requirement.

Hii, thank you for that, but the texts overlaps the border
Remove the white-space: nowrap.
or Restrict the custom user title maximum length.

ACP > Configuration > Registration and Profile Options and find this:

[Image: DC9OL.png]

Reduce the value as required.
Thank you guys, rly rly appreciate it <3