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Full Version: move last post info for each board?
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I was wondering if there is a way for me to move the last post info into specific areas by like the boards id. Like say I have 3 kinds of updates boards, and I want to put the last post info for each in a table in like the header template, could I do that? also the thread and post count for those boards as well?
bumping this up ^^
bumping. :3
You mean something like latestthreads (on the portal) but then in your header template? Slightly confused with what you are trying to do.
I want to move the last post for each board into like a table off to the side, but only for certain boards. So I was wondering if there was a way to move like the last posts and thread/posts counts by board ids into other sections of the forum.
bumping this again :3
It would have to be a plugin. If all you want is last post then thare are lots of latest post on index mods. Some you can choose the forums, others you have to edit the plugin file.

If you also want the thread and post count from that forum then you will want a new plugin that does that for you and you need to post that in the Plugin Requests.
I want to move the info for each one, not have a list of the recent posts though. if possible.
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