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Full Version: 1.6.8 Upgrade Issues
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Not exactly sure whats up with this, but downloading the 1609 changed files zip, I only get 1.6.7 as the latest MyBB version while upgrading.

I looked in install/resources and the last upgrade file was upgrade24.php which is 1.6.7. Files upgrade25.php and upgrade26.php for 1.6.8 and 1.6.9 are missing?

Any help?
Make sure you go to ACP > Version Check >

Click on the version you are running. Either 1.6.8 or 1.6.7 and below.

And you will get the files you need to change.
After changing them, proceed to "yousite/install and make sure you take out the lock file from your install folder.
I am quite aware on how to upgrade and understand the MyBB system.

I ask that you look at what I stated to see for yourself. Your telling me to repeat what I just did which will get me no where.

I am on 1.6.8 and have the 1609 CHANGED files package.

Thanks for the reply but please look at what I stated for yourself.