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Full Version: Mass mail stuck at 39%
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Hi, before anything, thank you for your time. I'm trying to send a mass email and there seems to be stuck at 39%. I've made the mail, then went to the task manager and hit the clock at the Mass Mail options, so it would be scheduled to be sent at that moment.

But there seems to be a problem that it keeps stucking at 39%. I cant get it to move out of that. Even clicking the clock again ends in an error saying that the SQL Query could not update the count from 300. So I assume that it didn't work.

Any help or known issue about it?

EDIT: I forgot to say that I'm using MyBB 1.6.9 and sending everything via php mail() method.
EDIT2: Adding new error that came up when trying to send all at once.
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
    2006 - MySQL server has gone away
    INSERT INTO mybb_mailerrors (`subject`,`message`,`toaddress`,`fromaddress`,`dateline`,`error`,`smtperror`,`smtpcode`) VALUES ('Foro Nuevo','Estimado Vergatromonox,\nPor problemas internos del foro, se decidió abrir uno paralelo con todas o la mayor parte de las comodidades del viejo foro. Con la intención de mantener nuestra comunidad lo más libre e independiente, hemos decidido cerrar el viejo foro y abrir uno nuevo en la dirección\n\n\n\nLogramos preservar, gracias a un esfuerzo mayúsculo de producción extraordinaria, los usuarios y temas del foro viejo desde la fecha del 18/11/2012 en adelante. Con lo que podés usar tu viejo usuario si así lo deseas.\n\nDe todas maneras, y como nada es perfecto, ante cualquier inconveniente, no dudes en contactarte con el staff a [email protected] mediante e-mail. De esta forma podremos resolver tu problema lo antes posible.\n\nEsperamos que sepas disculpar las molestias, las cosas feas que puedas llegar a encontrar y por sobre todo la rusticidad de todo esto.\n\nDesde el staff, creemos que este es el mejor paso hacia adelante que puede dar el foro. No solamente teniendo un cambio de hosting, sino de dueño, y por sobre todo, de mentalidad de trabajo, que esperamos, se vea reflejada en la nueva organización del foro.\n\nDesde ya, muchísimas gracias por tu atención. Les deseamos una muy feliz estadía en el nuevo Argentina-Anime Foros.\n\nTe esperamos,\nEl Staff. ','','\"Argentina Anime Foros. \" ','1356098779','MyBB was unable to send the email using the PHP mail() function.','','0') 

New error trying to send less than the default ammount.
SQL Error:
    2006 - MySQL server has gone away
    UPDATE mybb_massemails SET `sentcount`='50', `totalcount`='728' WHERE mid='6' LIMIT 1
The error says MyBB can't send mail using the PHP mail() function, have you tried SMTP?
The SQL server is related to your host rather than MyBB itself. Have you tried the PHP mail() test script?

Quote:Please try the following mail test script: [Docs: Help-Mail]

If this test says it could not send the mail, or it said it sent but you did not receive any email, even in your spam/trash folder, then the issue lies with your host. If you receive the email from this test, we will investigate the issue further.
Thanks for the replies and sorry for the delay answering.

I'm unable to receive mails using the SMTP option. No new mail arrives at my personal inbox and no log indicating me if the sending was successful or not is shown.
I'm really sorry about the delay. I've been working with the guys that host my forum, because trying to send a message using SMTP generates me the following message

Unable to connect to the mail server with the given details.<br /><br />0: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

Now we're stuck and is not an error in the password, not an error in the servers I use for SMTP, so I thought it must be an error in the code. But if it works for others, why not for me? I'm at lost here.

It not only doesn't work with mass mailing, it doesn't work with any other kind of mail that it sends, replies to subscripted threads, or PM, etc.

I thank you in advance for the help and I'm very sorry about this delay.

Odd. Can your server fetch remote files from any host at all?

Try creating a new php file with this as the content then access it and see what happens for me please?


$google = file_get_contents('');

The error message you're getting is because your server can't connect with the SMTP server. Could be an issue with the DNS or something. I must confess to have never actually tried using the SMTP option though.