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Full Version: Change back to Administrator
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Hello there, I have a problem.

I was looking around the "User Groups" in the "Admin CP", changing the username styles to have a glow effect. After I got done with them all, without thinking, I changed my primary group to Moderator to see how it looked. I can't get access to the Admin CP anymore, which means I can't go back to being Administrator.

The forum is: MysteriousGaming(Closing URL for now)

Does anyone have any solution to this? I know, I was being an airhead at the moment haha.
Run the following query in PHPmyAdmin

UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `usergroup` = '4' WHERE `uid` = '1'

This is assuming of course you have left your admin group 4 by default and you are UID 1.
(2012-12-22, 03:18 AM)Kondux Wrote: [ -> ]Run the following query in PHPmyAdmin

UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `usergroup` = '4' WHERE `uid` = '1'

This is assuming of course you have left your admin group 4 by default and you are UID 1.

I forgot if I left them that way, I'll try and see.
Okay, I'm having a little trouble at understanding the PHPmyAdmin, what exactly do I do there?

Nevermind, I finally found out what I was supposed to do.