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Full Version: i am admin can't access forum
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I am admin my site but forum show me error

Pakistan Best Gamers Community
You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:
1.Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource.
2.You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
3.Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation. (Resend Activation Code)
4.You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or link.

You are currently logged in with the username: 'MKR'

no one can have solution above problem
Check the permissions of the forum, you don't necessarily have access to a forum because you're an admin.
You also need to make sure Forum is active is checked under that forum's settings or you will not be able to access it.
can i reset permission fro database via phpmyadmin
Technically yes, but you'd also have to rebuild the forum permission cache.
but how when my forum not allowed me to login in admin panel
Run this in PHPMyAdmin first.
Update mybb_users SET usergroup=4 WHERE uid=x

Replace x with your user id, most likely 1 if you are the one who installed it. This will place you into the administrators group.