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Full Version: Create a custom search
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I checked the search.php file and I can't seem to understand the code enough to create my custom search.

What I'm trying to do is, basically, there is an action called "getnew" or "getdaily", I want to make my own called "newaction" for example that will show posts from specific forums only.

Thanks in advance.

I managed to fix this by myself, I wasn't adding 's between the forum IDs which was the problem.
Sounds interesting - this is something I wanted to do myself - any chance of sharing that edit?
Sure. I think a plugin could be made for this one as well.

elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "custom")
	if($mybb->input['days'] < 1)
		$days = 1;
		$days = intval($mybb->input['days']);
	$datecut = TIME_NOW-(86400*$days);

	$where_sql = "t.lastpost >='".$datecut."'";
	$where_sql .= "AND t.fid IN ('1','2','3','4')";
	$unsearchforums = get_unsearchable_forums();
		$where_sql .= " AND t.fid NOT IN ($unsearchforums)";
	$inactiveforums = get_inactive_forums();
		$where_sql .= " AND t.fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";
	$permsql = "";
	$onlyusfids = array();

	// Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us
	$group_permissions = forum_permissions();
	foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions)
		if($forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
			$onlyusfids[] = $fid;
		$where_sql .= "AND ((t.fid IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).") AND t.uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}') OR t.fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids)."))";

	$sid = md5(uniqid(microtime(), 1));
	$searcharray = array(
		"sid" => $db->escape_string($sid),
		"uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
		"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
		"ipaddress" => $db->escape_string($session->ipaddress),
		"threads" => '',
		"posts" => '',
		"resulttype" => "threads",
		"querycache" => $db->escape_string($where_sql),
		"keywords" => ''

	$db->insert_query("searchlog", $searcharray);
	redirect("search.php?action=results&sid=".$sid, $lang->redirect_searchresults);

Replace custom with the action you want it to be called and '1', '2', etc with the IDs of the forum(s). This will show all the posts/threads made in the specific forums today! (like view today's posts, but only for specific forums).