MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: new forum is up, but can't see it in the admin cp
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yeah...why? Same goes for some of the settings
If you're logged in as an Adminisrator you should be able to access all parts of the Admin CP. Please don't post "why?" without providing a description of what you can't see as well as your server specifications/configuration.
sorry...ok..this is what happened.

I created a new category. It appeared in the 'manage forums' section. Then I create a forum in that category. It does not show up in the 'manage forums' section. However, it shows up in the actual forums. The same goes for some of the settings, like the usergroups (newbie, jr. member, etc.) I edit one, but it doesn't change in the Admin CP.

Another proboem is when I click on the 'manage forums' in the admin cp, it shows a big black rectangle where the forums are supposed to be and when I drag my mouse over it, it shows up error messages...
sorry for double posting, but no-one has replied
What are the error messages?

Are you sure that your cache is also not caching the pages and showing you the old versions instead?
I had the same problem. It's something to do with cache. Just refresh and it should work.