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Full Version: Problem with server changes
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I recently bought a mybb forum. First i had problem with importing the database to my own SQL but it finally worked out with MySQL Front. Now I`m facing another problems.

First image - When a try to activate a plugin, this page shows up.
Second image - When a create a thread, this page shows up.
Third image - When i try to post a message, this page shows up.
I also cannot send a private message. It loads forever.

I have 4 problems to solve Sad
Are you sure the column sid in Settings is acting as the Primary Key and has the auto increment attribute?

Regarding your second image, it looks like it is not getting the pid of the post. Are you perhaps using a plugin that involves posting replies or a new thread?

Your third image makes me think you are using a plugin that adds the field modnotice to the posts table because it is not a default field. Maybe that is the root of the whole problem. What you could do is alter the field modnotice and have the default be 0. It is easiest to fix this in PHPMyAdmin. Once you navigate to the mybb_posts table, click Structure to seethe structure and be able to edit the field. This would mean no notification.
Tnx for answering! I don`t understand what you mean with the third image. What do i need to alter?
You need to alter the field modnotice in the table mybb_posts. When you are viewing the structure of the mybb_posts table in PHPMyAdmin, edit the field and where it says Default, choose As Defined:. The line below that put 0.

Alternatively, run this query
ALTER TABLE  `mybb_posts` CHANGE  `modnotice`  `modnotice` INT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0'

ALTER TABLE mybb_posts CHANGE modnotice modnotice TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

MySQL retourneerde:

#1101 - BLOB/TEXT column 'modnotice' can't have a default value

Are you sure the column sid in Settings is acting as the Primary Key and has the auto increment attribute?


Regarding your second image, it looks like it is not getting the pid of the post. Are you perhaps using a plugin that involves posting replies or a new thread?

You use an integer value for the column, not text. Just copy and paste the query I wrote.