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Full Version: Disable reports to mod cp
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I'm looking to use this plugin on my forum:

Problem is, with that plugin installed, they'd go to the database in the moderator control panel, and they'd also go to a thread in our moderator forums. How can I 'disable' the function which makes the reports go to the moderator control panel?

Open up your reports.php file and comment out lines 158 - 168 (right by the end), so it looks like this:

		/**$reportedpost = array(
			"pid" => intval($mybb->input['pid']),
			"tid" => $thread['tid'],
			"fid" => $thread['fid'],
			"uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
			"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
			"reportstatus" => 0,
			"reason" => $db->escape_string(htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->input['reason']))
		$db->insert_query("reportedposts", $reportedpost);