MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Exclude certain forum from being shown on "New Posts" and "Today's Posts"
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I want to stop posts from the introduction section from being shown on "New Posts", and "Today's Posts". How can I do this?
Try this plugin:

You may need to change compatibility etc.
Works like a charm. Thank you for the speedy response.
i need to do the same but just tried that plugin and changed it to 1.6 but it stops my forum from working just a blank screen when i install it so any other way to do it
You can use this:
It will let users choose their ignored forums but you can add own by editing this line in plugin .php file:
	$where_sql .= ' AND t.fid NOT IN ('.$mybb->user['ignoreforum'].')';
A fast edit like that should be sufficient:
	$where_sql .= ' AND t.fid NOT IN ('.$mybb->user['ignoreforum'].',3,8,19)';
Where 3 8 19 are forum fids ignored for everyone.