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Full Version: Signature not showing for certain user groups
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My Super Moderator Group (GID = 3) have no signature showing in any posts for some reason.

In Admin CP Signature is enabled for the user group.

I'm not sure why no signatures show.

The signature shows on their profile but not on any of their posts.

Other usergroups show signature fine in their posts.


The Staff members profile

A post showing Regular user signature, but the staff has no signature
Tell the user to go to edit sig and enable their signature in their posts.
The user does have that enabled. I tried making my self Staff on another account and same issue.
Check in your ACP usergroups for signature settings. Do you have any plugins that affect signatures/permissions?
I have found the problem.

The user is in an additional user group that has signatures disabled, and has the additional user group set as their display user group..

How come the additional usergroup over rides the primary user group? The primary group has signatures enabled.

I thought in myBB a Yes was stronger than a NO