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Full Version: Illegal string offset 'weekstart'
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In Calendar - This error occurs
MyBB - Erro Interno

Ocorreu um erro interno e o sistema não pode continuar.

Tipo de Erro:
    Aviso (2)
Mensagem de Erro:
    Illegal string offset 'weekstart'
    Arquivo: inc/functions_calendar.php
    Linha: 453
    450.         {
    451.             $event_date = explode("-", gmdate("j-n-Y", $event['starttime_user']));
    452.             $event['endtime_user'] = $event['endtime']+($offset*3600);
    453.             $event['weekday_start'] = $calendar['weekstart'];
    455.             $start_day = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $event_date[1], $event_date[0], $event_date[2]);
    Arquivo 	Linha 	Função
    /inc/class_error.php 	206 	errorHandler->output_error
    /inc/functions_calendar.php 	453 	errorHandler->error
    /calendar.php 	2120 	get_events
PHP version? MyBB version? Plugins? SQL daemon (MySQL, etc.) version?
(2013-01-07, 03:41 PM)StingReay Wrote: [ -> ]PHP version? MyBB version? Plugins? SQL daemon (MySQL, etc.) version?
Version do MyBB	1.6.9
Version do PHP	 5.4.10
Version MySQLi     5.5.28
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Olá Para Todos!
Could be another PHP 5.4-related bug. 1.6.9 doesn't really support PHP versions >5.3 right now. 1.6.10 fixes that issue.
PHP 5.4 is not fully supported yet.
Ninja'd, Stefan. Toungue

E: Should probably make a sticky thread about this to point users of PHP 5.4 to.
Really PHP 5.4 is not fully supported yet. In error_log gives this error will be himself. I'll talk to my host.
[07-Jan-2013 15:19:58 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0